It is time again for Maria Joseph Continuing Care Community’s Annual Golf Tournament!! Can you believe this is our 20th year? We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our sponsors, golfers and volunteers who have tirelessly supported us year after year. Without you this event would not have the success it has fostered over the years. Thank you to Frosty Valley who will again host this year’s event.
Thank you to the Sponsors of the 2022 Golf Tournament. This year the money raised will help fund a new campus wheelchair van. This van will be shared among all levels of care to transport residents to appointments as well as off-campus activities. A resident’s quality of life is greatly enriched when the door opens to experiences outside the walls of where they live. This van will allow our Activity Directors the ability to offer these experiences more readily to the people we serve.
1.Champion Sponsor: $5,000
2. Masters Sponsor: $3,000
- Logo in tournament program as Masters Sponsor
- Company signage at registration table and one hole exclusive to your company’s signage
- Three golfer’s gratis tournament registration
- Listing in our newsletter
- Logo on our website with hyperlink to company’s site
- Promotion on our Facebook page with hyperlink to company’s site
3. Classic Sponsor: $2,000
4. Invitational Sponsor: $1,500
5. Platinum Sponsor: $1,000
- Oliver Price & Rhodes
- Fulton Bank
6. Diamond Sponsor: $750
- Powerback Rehabilitation
- Brown & Brown
7. Gold Sponsor: $500
- Cabinet Surplus
- Flick Brothers
- Mary Beth and Rennie Crane
- Jacinta Wood
- Josephine Mowad
- Timothy Murphy & Christen Mowad
- Katherine Hilliker
8. Silver Sponsor: $300
- Community Giving Foundation
- First Columbia Bank and Trust
- Danville Pharmacy
- Carriage Manor Builders
- LT Evans
- Conrad Siegel
- Tom Costlow
- Dominick Moffa & Mary Beth Clark
9. Bronze Sponsor: $200
10. Partner: $150
- Listing in tournament program as Partner Sponsor
- Company listing in our newsletter